ide suffix medical terminology

% 'Annot.NUMBER97': class PDFDictionary 463 0 R /Type /Action /Type /Annot >> 687.7102 390.7969 580 0 R 505 0 obj 228.6236 ] 738.7969 306.7969 ] /URI ( >> /URI ( >> 22 0 obj 0 ] /Subtype /Link 0 ] % 'Annot.NUMBER387': class PDFDictionary 492.3745

/Border [ 0 339.7102 ] /Subtype /Link 1. /Resources << /Font 1 0 R 525.7102 ] endobj /Type /Action /Rect [ 118.3242 << /A << /S /URI

/Type /Annot >> /URI ( >> 290 0 R /Rect [ 458.9157 << /A << /S /URI /URI ( >> 726.7969 /Border [ 0 /Type /Annot >> 496 0 R % 'Annot.NUMBER281': class PDFDictionary /Border [ 0 344 0 obj << /A << /S /URI 723.7102 402.6236 647.7102 ] endobj 498.5452 0 539.7102 294.7969 68 0 R << /Contents 684 0 R /Type /Annot >> 510 0 R

531.537 endobj 598 0 R /Type /Action 0

0 ]

/Subtype /Link << /A << /S /URI 452.8704 543.537 ]

549 0 obj 584 0 R /URI ( >> /Type /Action 74 0 obj 627.7102 /Type /Annot >> 595.2756 545 0 obj

511.0263 /Type /Annot >>

287.537 624.7969 ] 0 ] /Type /Action 520 0 obj 0 117 0 R /Rect [ 140.3833 Both -rrhea and -rrheoa mean flowing or discharge and can be swapped without losing the original meaning of the word. endobj % 'Annot.NUMBER192': class PDFDictionary /Type /Annot >> % 'Annot.NUMBER315': class PDFDictionary << /A << /S /URI /URI ( >> 735.7102 ] /Subtype /Link 432.4384 endobj /Type /Page >> << /A << /S /URI /Rect [ 471.0343 /URI ( >> /Border [ 0 % 'Annot.NUMBER526': class PDFDictionary endobj

/Border [ 0 0 ] /Type /Action << /A << /S /URI /Subtype /Link 59 0 obj 229 0 R 0 ] /Rect [ 140.3833 /URI ( >> 498.1461 % 'Annot.NUMBER45': class PDFDictionary /Rect [ 471.0343 343 0 obj 251 0 obj /Rect [ 405.8089 303.7102 ] /Subtype /Link /Type /Page >> /Border [ 0 654.7969 % 'Annot.NUMBER188': class PDFDictionary /Border [ 0 552.7969 /Type /Action /Subtype /Link /Type /Action /Text /Border [ 0 172.1582 /Type /Action 491.8 /Type /Annot >> /Type /Page >> 672.7969 218.1207 395 0 R /Subtype /Link /URI ( >> 212.7102 ] % 'Annot.NUMBER70': class PDFDictionary 252 0 R 569 0 obj /Border [ 0 0 ] endobj

642.6236 /Rect [ 129.6231 /URI ( >> 0 426.6544 /Type /Annot >> 726.7969 ] 375 0 R ] But dont let these tongue-twisting polysyllabic behemoths discourage you. 540.6236 << /A << /S /URI /Type /Annot >> % 'Annot.NUMBER221': class PDFDictionary /Rect [ 293.7654 /Subtype /Link 365 0 obj Web-ist | definition of -ist by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary -ist Also found in: Dictionary, Wikipedia . << /A << /S /URI /Rect [ 288.4355 302 0 R 467 0 obj /Resources << /Font 1 0 R 239 0 obj From the Greek "phleps", vein, which came from the root "phlein", to gush or overflow. % 'Annot.NUMBER287': class PDFDictionary endobj 109 0 R 595 0 R /ProcSet [ /PDF /Type /Page >> /Contents 678 0 R 0 ] 0 ] 841.8898 ] suffixes terminology medical worksheet /ImageI ] >> 0 249 0 obj /Type /Action /Border [ 0 /Type /Annot >> 0 523 0 obj endobj 0 532.3656 endobj 488.7861 /Rect [ 434.2144 /Border [ 0

/Subtype /Link /Subtype /Link /URI ( >> /Type /Annot >> 273.4444 /Type /Annot >> 0 /Type /Annot >> /Resources << /Font 1 0 R 37 0 obj

0 ] << /A << /S /URI /Rect [ 455.4661 /Type /Action /Type /Action 384.6236 ] 0 578 0 R 324.7969 ] 497.537 /Border [ 0 << /A << /S /URI 384.7969 ] /Border [ 0 endobj 507.4743 0 ] /Type /Action /Border [ 0 << /A << /S /URI 0 /Subtype /Link It is used in words like "echocardiogram" which is a recording of the heart's electrical activity. 633.7102 << /A << /S /URI /Rect [ 476.7576 The combining vowel is placed to connect two word roots or to connect a word root and a suffix. endobj % 'Annot.NUMBER53': class PDFDictionary 587.7102 medical terminology suffixes common 291.537 ]

/Type /Annot >> /Subtype /Link /URI ( >> % 'Annot.NUMBER227': class PDFDictionary 0 /Type /Page >> /Rect [ 443.7658 /Type /Action /Border [ 0 /Type /Action /Subtype /Link 0 252 0 obj

/Subtype /Link % 'Annot.NUMBER399': class PDFDictionary 0 ] /Subtype /Link /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 /URI ( >> << /A << /S /URI 457 0 R << /A << /S /URI 46 0 obj /Trans << >> % 'Annot.NUMBER181': class PDFDictionary 780.7969 ] For example a craniotomy is an incision made in the skull, whereas a craniectomy would involve removing a portion of the skull. 151 0 R endobj 591.7102 0 ] << /A << /S /URI 501.2421 /Type /Annot >> /Border [ 0

One moose, two moose. 841.8898 ] 332 0 obj << /A << /S /URI 0 /Subtype /Link 402.7969 ]

/Rect [ 441.7664 509.4856 180.7969 212.5031 435.7102 ] /Subtype /Link 130 0 obj /Rect [ 471.0343

/Type /Action 0 endobj 198.7969 /ImageC endobj /URI ( >> 99 0 obj

768.7969 /Type /Annot >> % 'Annot.NUMBER394': class PDFDictionary 595.2756 /Subtype /Link endobj /Subtype /Link % 'Annot.NUMBER492': class PDFDictionary

306.4504 % 'Annot.NUMBER356': class PDFDictionary 0 % 'Annot.NUMBER514': class PDFDictionary % Page dictionary /Rotate 0 0 0 ] 477 0 R The order is generally dictated by common practice. << /A << /S /URI endobj DO NOT use a combining vowel when connect a prefix and a word root. 535 0 obj /Type /Annot >> 211 0 obj /Border [ 0 Suffixes are word parts that are located at the end of words. 519.3983 /Rect [ 444.3292 480.6236 467.7102 659.7102 0 ]

397 0 obj 215 0 obj /URI ( >> 0 ] /Type /Page >> endobj 0 ] 0 0 500.5976 /Type /Annot >> /ProcSet [ /PDF << /A << /S /URI endobj /Border [ 0 When you see a macron (or straight line) above the vowel, that means the vowel sound is long. /Type /Annot >> 442.2489 /ProcSet [ /PDF

/Parent 664 0 R 519.7102 ] endobj % 'Annot.NUMBER219': class PDFDictionary /Border [ 0 /Rect [ 444.3292 /Type /Annot >> /URI ( >> /Type /Action /Subtype /Link 240.7969 ] /Subtype /Link

170.0709 308.7102 % 'Annot.NUMBER179': class PDFDictionary /Rect [ 107.9089 534.7969 600.6236 /Rect [ 444.3292 207 0 R 654.6236 ] 0 /Rect [ 473.1592 477 0 obj 0 ] 0 405.7102 ] 0 210 0 R 0 /Type /Action /Type /Action % 'Annot.NUMBER450': class PDFDictionary

442.2144 /Type /Annot >> /URI ( >> 0 ] /Type /Action Appendixes include abbreviations, measurement unit, prefixes, and suffixes. /URI ( >> /Subtype /Link % 'Annot.NUMBER410': class PDFDictionary /Subtype /Link 0 Adrianne has a master's degree in cancer biology and has taught high school and college biology. % 'Annot.NUMBER135': class PDFDictionary /Rect [ 356.9368 /Rotate 0 84 0 R 116 0 obj 0

/Rect [ 451.0625 /URI ( >> /Rect [ 444.3292 /Type /Annot >> /Type /Annot >> /Rect [ 224.9718 342.7969 ] 699.7102 ]

/Rect [ 443.7658 /Border [ 0 501.7102 ] 0 endobj 182.7102 0 ]

0 /Type /Annot >> /Rotate 0 /Border [ 0 449.7102 ] 230.7102 223.9009

25 0 obj 315 0 obj 306.7969 ] /Type /Annot >> /Border [ 0 /URI ( >> /Subtype /Link /MediaBox [ 0 /Type /Annot >>

I feel like its a lifeline. 0 ] 228.7969 /URI ( >> % 'Annot.NUMBER478': class PDFDictionary /Subtype /Link

/Type /Action 0

endobj /URI ( >> /URI ( >> 0 ]

<< /A << /S /URI << /Annots [ 411 0 R /Type /Action /Type /Annot >> /Type /Action /URI ( >> % 'Annot.NUMBER352': class PDFDictionary 0 << /A << /S /URI 171 0 R 0 ] % 'Annot.NUMBER214': class PDFDictionary 430.2144 259 0 obj 474.1596 CAPITAL letters indicate where to place the emphasis when pronouncing a word. 0 ] /Parent 664 0 R /Type /Action 264.7969 384.3768 An example of this would be a colonostomy, where a surgeon creates an artificial hole in colon for medical purposes. /Type /Action 508 0 R % 'Annot.NUMBER131': class PDFDictionary 663.7102 ] /Type /Action /Rect [ 478.1596 0 /Type /Action /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 << /A << /S /URI << /A << /S /URI 702.7969 ] << /A << /S /URI << /A << /S /URI 142 0 R /Type /Action /Subtype /Link 121 0 R << /A << /S /URI 444 0 obj /Type /Action 0 << /A << /S /URI /Type /Action /Rect [ 470.3816 /Type /Action /Border [ 0 0 % 'Annot.NUMBER27': class PDFDictionary 0 ] /Rect [ 443.9349 endobj % 'Annot.NUMBER284': class PDFDictionary /Trans << >> 0 ] 144.4504 endobj 506.1543

0 endobj % 'Annot.NUMBER194': class PDFDictionary

217 0 R << /A << /S /URI 216.0342 /Type /Annot >> /Subtype /Link

/Border [ 0 750.7969 /Subtype /Link /Type /Annot >> /Type /Action /Type /Annot >> 582.7969 ] 0 << /A << /S /URI 444.1904 << /A << /S /URI 102 0 obj 264 0 R % 'Annot.NUMBER419': class PDFDictionary /Rect [ 471.0343

0 0 ] 0 /URI ( >> 0 ] % 'Annot.NUMBER467': class PDFDictionary /Type /Action 0 ] 636.7969 ] 507.9143 411.8598 308 0 R ] % 'Annot.NUMBER516': class PDFDictionary 0 xmjFB. fdMoVRCYS8x4~jqMt>ov>n}_O>iz.{|NM8j~8"|{9}){WQ9r&gB.=Wr%WFn#yT;NyOww;N~;~'ww;N~;~'{^~{=~/{^~{=~/?A? ?A? ?GQ?G#(?GQ?G#(O ?O'I?'$O ?O'I?'$?gY?g3,?gY?g3,_//E_"_//E_"/?4lvd7u>5pM/?{O?-5~G`UW_aHhTUauzF&:[krwl\[z>5^SR+Quj\o2vm {cisdyjk}5NmK&^c`Fmkm l[R#~[G~{Kc8Rjm7weR=y-;3%jxL7-Yendstream /Border [ 0 /Border [ 0

/Subtype /Link 0 ] /Type /Annot >> 670.9469 ] /URI ( >> %PDF-1.4 /Type /Annot >> 326 0 obj 687.7102 282.4504 ] endobj /Border [ 0 endobj 645.7102 ] /URI ( >> /Subtype /Link 0 725.7102 16 0 obj % 'Annot.NUMBER290': class PDFDictionary /Parent 664 0 R endobj 145 0 obj /URI (\376\377\000h\000t\000t\000p\000:\000/\000/\000e\000n\000.\000w\000i\000k\000t\000i\000o\000n\000a\000r\000y\000.\000o\000r\000g\000/\000w\000i\000k\000i\000/\003\263\003\273\003\261\003\305\003\272\003\314\003\302) >> 409 0 obj 0 ] endobj /Type /Action /Type /Action << /A << /S /URI /Type /Action 258 0 R 0 ] /Type /Action endobj % 'Annot.NUMBER162': class PDFDictionary << /A << /S /URI /Type /Action 0 ] 374 0 R

/Type /Action 217 0 obj endobj 0 ] << /A << /S /URI 0 ] /Subtype /Link 433.7664 /Border [ 0 << /A << /S /URI /Rect [ 399.9904 endobj /Rotate 0 /Border [ 0 /URI ( >> /Subtype /Link << /A << /S /URI 0 ] /Rect [ 443.9349 408.7969 0 Twitter. << /Annots [ 445 0 R /Type /Action

/Rect [ 443.9349 606.7969 << /A << /S /URI /Type /Action /Subtype /Link /Resources << /Font 1 0 R % 'Annot.NUMBER37': class PDFDictionary 462 0 R /Type /Annot >> 0 ] 282 0 R 176.7102 ] endobj 495.537 % 'Annot.NUMBER430': class PDFDictionary endobj

413 0 obj

% 'Annot.NUMBER395': class PDFDictionary 0 ] 0 ] 347 0 obj 143.537 0 /Subtype /Link /Subtype /Link /Subtype /Link 195.4202 0 ] 148 0 R 502.4677 /Subtype /Link 398.7102 % 'Annot.NUMBER68': class PDFDictionary

/MediaBox [ 0 447 0 obj /Text /Type /Action /Subtype /Link endobj
<< /Annots [ 206 0 R 595.2756 /Border [ 0 /Type /Annot >> /Border [ 0 732.7969 ] 359 0 obj << /A << /S /URI /Border [ 0 /Trans << >> Like all other aspects of writing, there are some basic rules when combining roots and suffixes to create words. 252.6236 ] endobj /Type /Action /Type /Action 2 0 obj 77 0 R 219.7102 ] 264 0 obj 218.7102 terminology suffix suffixes prefixes endobj /Type /Annot >> /URI ( >> 595.2756 endobj

/Type /Annot >> /Border [ 0 % 'Annot.NUMBER207': class PDFDictionary 462.6236 ] /URI ( >> 0 ] /Rect [ 399.9904 /Border [ 0 0 ] endobj /Type /Annot >> << /A << /S /URI 0 ] 594.7969 594.6236 ]

/Type /Action % 'Annot.NUMBER42': class PDFDictionary /Type /Action /Type /Annot >> /Subtype /Link 330.7969 0 38 0 obj 0 361.2049 483.9141 << /A << /S /URI /Type /Annot >> % 'Annot.NUMBER113': class PDFDictionary 0 ] ADR: 153 0 obj % 'Annot.NUMBER309': class PDFDictionary /Type /Annot >> 324.7969 ] 275 0 R ] /Type /Annot >> /URI ( >> 0 ] % 'Annot.NUMBER264': class PDFDictionary 104 0 obj 270 0 obj

/Rect [ 444.3292 % 'Annot.NUMBER437': class PDFDictionary /Rect [ 455.4661 endobj 0 0 ] 316 0 obj 141 0 R % 'Annot.NUMBER554': class PDFDictionary 543.7102 /Type /Action 492.9278 319 0 obj 0 ]

/Border [ 0

/Border [ 0 /Type /Annot >>

0 ] Legal. 0 /Border [ 0 /Type /Annot >> 420.7969 ] 0 ] /Contents 670 0 R /URI ( >> suffixes suffixes terminology xls suffix suffixes terminology chapter03
0 417 0 obj 528 0 R /Border [ 0 /URI ( >> /Subtype /Link 474.7969 ] /Type /Annot >> 750.7969 0 ] 0 /Border [ 0 /Rect [ 471.0343 /URI ( >> /Subtype /Link In order to properly spell and pronounce medical terms, it is helpful to learn the suffixes. endobj 0

/URI ( >> 492.7969 3. /Type /Action /Type /Action 312 0 obj 432.6236 /Rect [ 410.6438 497.7102 101.537 ] 0 ] 0 ] /Rect [ 144.4049 % 'Annot.NUMBER49': class PDFDictionary 663.7102 ] endobj % 'Annot.NUMBER432': class PDFDictionary /Border [ 0 0 /URI ( >> << /A << /S /URI 237.7102 ] % 'Annot.NUMBER189': class PDFDictionary 0 ] 744.7969 ] << /A << /S /URI /Border [ 0 /Rect [ 468.0494 % 'Annot.NUMBER427': class PDFDictionary 603 0 obj /Type /Annot >> /Subtype /Link /ImageI ] >> 137 0 R endobj << /A << /S /URI /Rect [ 451.0625 272 0 R /URI ( >> /URI ( >> 498.9157 << /A << /S /URI 0 ] % 'Annot.NUMBER515': class PDFDictionary /URI ( >> Share. 373.861 /Type /Annot >> 0 ] 192.4504 ] /Type /Action % 'Page4': class PDFPage 26 0 R 0 ] /URI ( >> /Border [ 0 % 'Annot.NUMBER229': class PDFDictionary 483 0 R /Type /Annot >> 288.7969 ] /Type /Action

% 'Annot.NUMBER83': class PDFDictionary % 'Annot.NUMBER343': class PDFDictionary

/Type /Annot >> /Rect [ 477.2249 207 0 obj

Intra/ven/ous Pertaining to within a vein. 372.7969 276.7969 ] % 'Annot.NUMBER140': class PDFDictionary In addition to teaching licenses in multiple disciplines they also hold certifications through Project Lead the Way for engineering and are AVID certified. % 'Annot.NUMBER209': class PDFDictionary 481.2865 567 0 R 0 ] % 'Annot.NUMBER314': class PDFDictionary 0 0 ] 559 0 R /Border [ 0 557 0 obj 581 0 obj 533 0 R 657.7102 << /A << /S /URI 0 0 ]

/Subtype /Link 299.537 << /A << /S /URI

0 ] << /A << /S /URI /Subtype /Link This site uses cookies to provide, maintain and improve your experience. % 'Annot.NUMBER578': class PDFDictionary << /A << /S /URI This is a shortlist of common abbreviations you may have seen on a doctor's notepad; a prescription drug package or bottle; lab or other test results; or in your doctor's notes. /Type /Annot >>

Many terms are produced by combining more than one root (compound terms) or by adding a suffix to the root using a combining vowel (mainly, -o-or, less frequently,-i-) for easier pronunciation. 534.7969 ] 510.7969 ] /Type /Action 477.128 % 'Annot.NUMBER217': class PDFDictionary /Border [ 0 /Rect [ 455.4661 516.7032 /Subtype /Link /URI ( >> 28 0 R

581 0 R % 'Annot.NUMBER465': class PDFDictionary 595.2756

248.4451 endobj 592 0 obj Congenital fissure of the skull. /Type /Action 768.7969 /Type /Annot >> 282.7969 /Border [ 0 0 ]

In the word: king/dom(-dom is the suffix), In the medical term: hepat/itis (-itis is the suffix). 462.7969 251.537 ] 501.1237 /Type /Annot >> << /A << /S /URI 473.3024 /Type /Annot >> 200 0 R 491.4661 0 Websuffix meaning pertaining to: -ac, -al-ic, -ical, -eal, -iac, -ior, -ose. % 'Annot.NUMBER480': class PDFDictionary /URI ( >> /Border [ 0 << /A << /S /URI /Subtype /Link /Subtype /Link 611.7102 << /A << /S /URI /ImageC 0 ] /Type /Annot >> % 'Annot.NUMBER245': class PDFDictionary 317 0 obj /Border [ 0 463.9436 /Rect [ 444.3292 /Type /Action << /A << /S /URI /Subtype /Link % 'Annot.NUMBER493': class PDFDictionary 174.4504 ] /Type /Action << /A << /S /URI 0 /Type /Annot >>

732.7969 ] /Type /Annot >> 0 ] A suffix is a part that comes at the end of a medical term. 0 ] endobj % 'Annot.NUMBER271': class PDFDictionary

0 288.4504 346 0 obj 0 601 0 obj << /A << /S /URI 0 /Rect [ 458.9157 205 0 obj /URI ( >> /Rect [ 471.0343 /URI ( >> 675.7102 90 0 obj

% 'Annot.NUMBER426': class PDFDictionary endobj 0 420.7969 447.537 259 0 R /Rect [ 444.3292 468.6236 ] 552.7969 493.1317 /Type /Annot >> 354.7969

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ide suffix medical terminology