was captain kangaroo a jerk
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I was astonished to learn that "Debbie" the adorable young woman who appeared on Captain Kangaroo in the mid-seventies killed herself at age 27 by jumping out of a 16th floor window way back in 1978 shortly after she left the series. You have some great stuff! He was on a Brit TV show, Top of the Pops, on the same day as David Bowie. You may have heard the saying that they tilted the continent and all the nuts rolled into California. Tom Hanks is a very nice guy. My cousin works on Capitol Hill in a non-political job. What about John Cusack? It is possible that the waiter or flight attendant was going overboard with their attention. And Wilder said yes, but it's all forgotten -- and he mentioned Bogart's sad death. I just posted a reference to him elsewhere but thought he would fit well on this thread. It was TOO MUCH. "The Legend of Capt. 1966 They're Tops-4 Favorite Songs From the Captain Kangaroo Show Record. There was a reason why Karen Walker always made fun of Marlo Thomas on Will & Grace. If I had it to do over again, I think I'd pass. That might explain any neurosis or mood swings on her part although I do believe that she had a ferocious temper when she was sick. $15.00 + $3.65 shipping. You should try it." Hilary Swank showed up at work NEVER knowing her lines. I've seen her twice around the usual LA/Hollywood haunts. Most embarrassing of all, whenever his lead guitarist had a solo, David couldn't share the limelight. I've heard bad things for years about Kate Jackson, Bing Crosby, Bonnie Hunt, Lauren Bacall, Ellen de Generes, Bill Cosby, Marlo Thomas, Julia Roberts. I thought to myself, damn here's a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time, why the heck does he rate burial with these guys? If you're his PA, he's mostly polite, and he'll give you a lot of rope, but when he starts getting snippy, and impatient, and sarcastic with you, or doesn't answer you when you ask a question, then you know you are on your way out the door. WebCaptain KangarooFor those who were either children or parents from 1955 through 1991, the perky theme music of Captain Kangaroo, accompanied by the jingling of the Captain's keys as he unlocked the door to the Treasure House, Corbin Bernsen. So I probably shouldn't have said what I did about Karen Carpenter. I think that Bauvier really didn't get along with Andy Griffith. Apparently, she made him sleep on the couch all the time. After reading the obituary of Loretta Young's daughter, I would place her as the owner of this thread. During a commercial break, Bob Hope, who was extremely hard of hearing in his later years, walked across the stage to say hello to Johnny. Also heard that she and Portia are only together for the mutually beneficial 'power couple' crown Portia sleeps around with other women and Ellen gives nary a fuck. I'm glad to hear that *most* of the cast are amiable (or at least keep it professional and courteous). She had him replaced with her personal friend Dick Sargent who, at best, was an amateurish actor. He was very cold and controlling. Total cunt. Karen Carpenter was awful. I had the 2 seater station cargo van. In case anyone is wondering, I got a bagel and a half, a Danish, and some grapes. She looked at him and said "how could I - I have no idea who you are" - I always thought that was a great putdown. The cause of death as "anorexia" is kind of dumb, anyway. Jerry Lewis seems like an asshole but the Jew hater seems like an even bigger one. Her public persona is totally opposite from what she's really like. I also think those are typical characteristics of people who make it to the top in any walk of life. Worked with him on That Thing You Do. On camera so proper and domesticoff camera nightmare. R30, I love you. This was reported in the Atlanta Journal Constitution at the time. I didn't expect her to be so nice, especially to someone low on the totem pole like me. I said, "No fucking way that old bearded sloppy guy is Tom hanks." Madonna - at the film festival in Italy the people working there were not allowed to make eye contact with her or speak to her. -Heavily involved in gambling -His first retirement so that he could "try baseball" was actually a suspension due to his gambling. Does he work anymore? Andy Griffith giving an interview once, and when they mentioned Face in the Crowd, you could see he really didn't want to go there, and dismissed it by saying something about how he hated that role because it took him to places he didn't want to go. I think maybe R309 might be right about those actors, except I really don't give a damn if Tom Hanks gets a little plump and being an alcoholic is the norm for most actorsI'm not sure why. Rashad was called in as a last minute replacement because they were desperate for someone and they knew how well they both got along with each other. Webwas captain kangaroo a jerk. He is married to his first cousin and they have five children together. Bing Fucking Crosby, too bad he didn't have sons like the Menendez Bros. Richard Carpenter seems like a dick to me, he has a squeaky clean image. Evil man. Treated people like they were less than dogs. WebPrior to being the tune for Captain Kangaroo, the tune served as the theme for a BBC radio show, Childrens Favourites, in addition to being heard on, Murder Among the Statues. I stopped watching the show because of Elisabeth. Yeah, 'cuz that's what *really* matters, paragraphs. Christopher Lee - initially guarded, but surprisingly normal. And I've been there: I've encountered a couple of famous people who stared right back at me until I got the idea. Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer, was sullen, nasty and rude with me on a shoot. It probably happened to a lot of others. The roubles rate was falling, there were no roads. All of us have out moments. Panjabi always seemed a little nervous and quiet like she had to work real hard to get things right. Cuntiest cunt who ever cunted. When she arrived back at the hotel and was handed the bag of plums, Faye got irate and threw the plums--one at a time--at the PA in front of hotel staff. She's MTM, yet she wants to be addressed as ' Mrs. Levine' (her husband is Robert Levine). Many, many people rejoiced when he had that stroke. Cosby might be an asshole, and his methods might be offensive, but I do believe he was trying to help those people who felt they were being attacked. This is a document only the cast and crew ever see. There is something about him I just don't like - too smug for his own good? It was known that he was "dating" a flight attendant from my domicile, so the philandering rumors are true. Worked on a few things featuring her and she was amazingly friendly. No demands, no b.s. Like politicians they are irrational egomaniacs. They are absolute shit holes and were not good enough for her when she needed medical attention. They must have suppressed the news of her suicide. He was vague and unfocussed, but she was downright sour, an embittered old rag who'd turn on anyone who addressed her. Betty Buckley is actually a pretty good person, does lots for charities and even adopts abandoned animals. [R142] I presume there was alcohol involved. Lade, Diane. Barbara Bush has a reputation for being cunt, but in real life she is an even bigger cunt. Held up as a role model, one of the great actresses working today, holds a particularly cherished place as a strong black woman. Bob Keeshan, the Caption, was the nastiest, most vile, meanest and most sadistic man I have ever meet. Rwhatever from the Lizabeth Scott thread. There is only one higher awardthe Medal Of Honor. Ron Howard used to bring his wife and children every year to visit her and you never saw her without her having gotten a letter or a phone call from one of them. Fred MacMurray from "My Three Sons." When I saw the famous 1999(?) The people who worked for him seemed really afraid of him and said they'd lose their jobs if we did. Why the tipping? WebHugh Brannum (January 5, 1910 April 19, 1987) was an American vocalist, arranger, composer, and actor known for his role as Mr. Green Jeans on the children's television show Captain Kangaroo. It was when he was doing the play "Into The Woods" at Central Park last summer (2012). Really? The company rehearsed in the same rehearsal studios that we did, and one day I was sitting outside. She would call and ask for whoever. Sophia Loren also is lovely. Michael Douglas is Satan incarnate behind the smokescreen but his wife is totally down to earth. Her rapport with children is obvious and quite touching to watch in her scenes with Tabitha and later on, Adam. He's a fucking asshole - until there's a camera on him. Josh Charles, Matt Czuchry, Christine Baranski, Archie Panjabi, Alan Cumming? three pages into the book, i read her claim that her life forever changed at the age of 10 when she read the anton levay's satanic bible. This "don't look them in the eye" is an Urban Myth, and if it has been spoken it's probably from some minion that wants to guarantee his boss is not disturbed. Maybe when her show first began. No mention of the queen of the cunts yet - Kathie Lee Gifford. He doubts that Marvin, who also never was on Iwo Jima, perpetrated such a fantasy. Matt Damon is like a brother to her. Lots of us are assholes on occasion, but when a celeb, especially one who might have public image as a sweetheart, etc, has a bad day and acts like an ass, it becomes news. She is reviled by those who know her in Washington and SF. For people of a certain age, the name Captain Kangaroo recalls fond memories from their childhood. That's hilarious about Susan Ruttan, Lou. But she is one of the nicest celebrities you would ever want to meet. Mr. Poitier could not have been nicer or more cooperative. She seems content to be a side player that scores a lot of pussy offscreen. Horrible little woman, you would think she was the Queen of Romania! I get fed up with biographers like Marysa Navarro (an Evitista, really), who try to paint her in the best light possible. Since it was not chilled they provided ice and a glass. WebA Day with Captain Kangaroo by Bob Keeshan [Captain Kangaroo] (CD, 2000, Sony. They're not exactly very liberal there. Or was she just saying to the attendant, "I'm fine and if I need something I will let you know" or was she being a bitch and saying basically "Keep the fuck away unless I summon you?" I recall watching Merv and she and Richard were on it, and Merv asked about her solo album and Richard said, they weren't going to release it as it didn't fit with the "Carpenter's sound. Not only a hypocrite of the highest order, but was willing to give up her kid in some convoluted adoption scheme to maintain her image as a devout catholic. I bet she was well miffed on the inside though. Her so-called charity was simply an extortion racket and a faade for shady dealings. Here's a Marlo Thomas story for you. The facility sent one of their staff out to purchase the water. Can you tell us more about Z. Quinto R420? Finally my friend had her boss speak with Karen, and her boss told her to get out of the hotel. Whenever we have a thread on asshole celebrities like this one, Marlo Thomas always comes up. john farnham house wonga park; My friend swore that Richard Lugar, the former senator of IN, was as gay as a treeful of parrots. And, for better or worse, he has been representing human, mainstream America since the 1980s. for your pointless bitchery needs. R114. Several years ago a friend had Faye Dunaway on and she finally said to him, "Don't you know who I am?" It takes a lot to get up in from of thousands to perform. No, she just wanted to leave. For the younger people, Elizabeth Montgomery's father was a superstar in the '30s. Faye Dunaway. I remember The Georgian Terrace when it was nearly falling down. My friend replied yes and if he knew how to read the no smoking sign or if he needed help with a cue card. Not to be contary, but I have worked with Marlo Thomas and she was just fine, perfectly pleasant. God, are we turning even this into a "white people are evil" thread? R95, why mention stories that would curl our toes and then not reveal them?? He could have just said that he knew it was a fun time but he's concerned his fans wouldn't understand, so please keep the story between him and you. I can only hope that it all goes arse over tit and we are all treated to a highly entertaining Tammy and Melissa mudslinging match when the smokescreem finally gets ripped down from my friends who have worked in films and other parts of the business: Bill Cosby - despite all his humanitarianism, he's awful, and a big cheater and a letch. Sponsored. Thees thread ees sheet! Seriously, the stories are legion. He was a prominent Rebublican. I remember many of the comedy sketches, segments and even seeing "Simon in the Land of Chalk Venus Williams is niceI met her and she was a sweetheart. Only the most expensive American clinics would do. Well anyone with sense and a spine. Chevy Chase is a complete prick. Richard Carpenter is the reason why the supreme gay director Todd Haynes' first feature film, the Karen Carpenter Story can not be released, so Dick is a dick alright! I just don't care for the grammar police ("Paragraphs. I am always suspicious of stories where Actors have supposedly said things to waiters or flight attendants such as the recent comment attributed to Oprah, "I will let you know when I want something". Don't fuck with me when my blood sugar is low. "Smile, move your heads closer together.". This is not unusual. Webwas captain kangaroo a jerk. ", And that bitch says "Carpenter's sound? My friend never said Faye Dunaway was rude. unpretentious, down-to-earth. I could not get out of there fast enough. Reports indicate it's been in place for at least 2 decades, though there's some belief it was in place even when Jordan was in school. WebCaptain Kangaroo is an American children's television series that aired weekday mornings on the American television network CBS for 29 years, from 1955 to 1984, making it the longest-running nationally broadcast children's television program of its day. Waller, the unknown talent show wannabe, turned up with an entourage of about 20, making demands about everything, the water was wrong, he needed Manuka honey, he didn't like the car they'd sent Bowie turned up with one PA, was as nice as could be to everyone, asked for a cup of coffee. American Bandstand's heyday was when it was in Philly! There's nothing notable here. Sometimes they just want to look at the food. Baranski is fun. Didn't drink or smoke, I was surprised she turned out to b such a druggie. Robin Williams is a surly, mean drunk. I worked at Jerry's gym, and he was very nice to me (teenaged janitor). Maybe these were hard-learned lessons he had to find out on his own, or he was hoping to pass on to a new generation of actors better working habits than he was used to dealing with. They were saying, "BOO-urns! In the hall of shame as the worst bosses on Capitol Hill are Barbara Mikulski (D-Maryland), the late Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) and the late Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). Big deal! He received a phone call and one of the bartenders came over to get him. Other Looking someone in the eye leaves you open to having a conversation. To me he's no more than a glorified high-end prostitute. Anything he did in particular? Everyone's afraid to talk because they'd never work again. Mary Main (author of "The Woman with the Whip") gets a lot of shit for "demonizing" Evita, but her biography and John Barnes' "First Lady" are probably a more accurate depiction of Eva Pern than the latter crop of Evita worship biographies by Navarro and Alicia Dujovne Ortiz. Probably couldn't come out in a place like Indiana. John Elway in his rookie year in Great Falls Montana. [quote]Richard Carpenter seems like a dick to me, he has a squeaky clean image. Karen Carpenter - was asked to leave the Sheraton by the management after she exhausted them with her unrealistic demands. A friend of mine attended a taping of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. He hung out with me after a play in Toronto in the parking lot. r131, it's actually "urban legend," but I believe me. Definitely not a "pretty woman" on the plane. R20, the bloat is not what is giving his boozing secret away. Martha Stewart lol. Only when i'm in the area for some reason or I have family in town that wants to sightsee its way to crazy for me to just go for nothing at all. He treated his assistant like shit. Nancy Pelosi can outcunt anyone. They always came in during the slow time (like 2pm on a Monday) and those two would gossip like mad. He said Heston was an arrogant, rather stupid jerk. I have no intentions of working in that soul sucking industry again, so I don't care. "Awful Shit" is the standard celebrity personality. The way the dykes on AfterEllen moon over them and think they are so perfect makes me sick. [quote]the four stars, or basically co-equal rank, were Harry Hamlin, Susan Dey, Jimmy Smits, and Susan Ruttan. Lee Marvin, actor, and Bob Keeshan, television's "Captain Kangaroo" were World War II veterans who fought together at Iwo Jima. She wanted me to evict the owner of the concert hall cause he asked her for an autograph.. oh let me guess, EVERY jew you ever met was an asshole to you? Is that a metaphorical couch or a couch in the master bedchamber? I mean, I believe you. I was once present in a backstage holding area with Michael Jackson and we were instructed by his aides ahead of time, to not look at him or speak to him. You are cute and sweet to be such a loyal fan though. Also deluded much? [quote]Joy Behar was always very kind to her CNN crew. Oh, and his wife Corale Brown was ballsy and hysterically funny [quote]My friend swore that Richard Lugar, the former senator of IN, was as gay as a treeful of parrots. With Karen, they talked so much about the anorexia and the damage it can do to muscles -- including the cardiac muscle -- but her autopsy said her heart looked fine. What an ego! Eventually you get sick of it and end up saying something they might not want to hear. R257, are you sure you're not confusing her with Rosemary Kennedy? Unfortunately, Is anyone really surprised to find out that Captain Kangaroo was kind of a jerk? He entertained home viewers from his Treasure House with stories and lessons in morality. A friend took a job working with Harry Shearer to promote a specific project he was working on. Got this from one of the replacement people directly, so it's all true. Though I can't imagine her ever having a squeaky clean public image. Glad to hear he was a good guy. It doesn't mean that Cosby was an angel, but it was common practice. The only other thing I know about J.C. is kinda neutral. There is, indeed, a big difference between plums and plum tomatoes. She got a lobotomy instead. "A low Vera" Obviously a play on Aloe Vera, was directed at his wife named Vera. Eve could be such a cunt at times. WebBruce Jenner Bob Keeshan Captain Kangaroo CBS Television Press Photo Photograph. Beyond revolting. Oh, here's another one. What about Steve Martin? Many years ago I was on his DC-based TV program, a clown show (don't remember name - Bozo?). I know she's not "squeaky clean" but I love this story. Marlo Thomas has always been a cunt. Had Karen Carpenter lived? Carol Burnett once shot an Ernie Flatt Dancer in Reno just to watch him die. What a pathetic person you are to hate a whole group of people. I think she's a cool woman. He gets exasperated. I know a woman who worked on Ellen's talk show for a while, and she told me that Ellen is a miserable bitch IRL, and has a drinking problem. R504 could you please clarify your statement on Fred Rogers? I wonder why she's so angry, she's led a VERY charmed life and has had it really easy. It's just a socially awkward situation. In a weird way that made sense given that after several years of marriage to Samantha and dealing with Endora's constant humiliations of him, Darrin would have had to have mellowed a bit. And of course granny Ellen can't satisfy Portia in bed. Unlike Mel Gibson, insiders say Tom is a very beloved person. A few years ago I was one of the middle-managers at a casino where Whitney Houston was appearing. The other four were cold bitches who wouldn't speak to anyone. Lying Roman-spy thug. I asked my friend if any of the celebrity guests on the show were assholes, and she couldn't recall any specific instances. If Chaz Bono's post-op career was hotter, she'd start fucking"him". 's name appear larger than MTM's. Hell, if you've got celebrity and money, you can get whatever you want. She was polite, yet reserved. Darryl Hannah is missing the top joint of her index finger. Hard working. Touch R418. I moved to Atlanta when everything in midtown was being renovated so I never knew that that hotel had been run down. - too smug for his own good most vile, meanest and sadistic! Bauvier really did n't get along with Andy Griffith public image the obituary of Loretta Young was captain kangaroo a jerk,... Suppressed the news of her suicide it professional and courteous ) place her as owner. But it 's all forgotten -- and he mentioned Bogart 's sad death beloved person curl toes! Seemed a little nervous and quiet like she had to work real hard to him. Is, indeed, a big difference between plums and plum tomatoes whenever his lead guitarist had a solo David! 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