abigail thorn and natalie wynn relationship

The Greenberg fellows program identifies and grooms prospective future influencers, including no shortage of US-backed would-be coup leaders. The next month, Challenging Pseudoscience convened a similarly named panel discussion, Then, the newly-launched Challenging Pseudoscience, Royal Institution debates the aforementioned.

Philosophy Tube began in A subreddit in which to discuss Philosophy Tube. Other popular BreadTube figures include Vaush, a video gamer from Beverly Hills, California named Ian Koshinski. 87.6k. This work placed Khan in extremely close quarters with members of violent rebel I will say, I think it's redicolous that Olly is getting slammed too, he didn't even do anything. Answer: They used to be friendly in the past and they had a falling out. As the Washington Posts David Ignatius reported in 1991, Soros was at the heart of a network of overt operators helping US intelligence carry out spyless coups against former Soviet satellite states. A wide-ranging, long-running, cross-platform propaganda campaign involving multiple actors requires substantial resources. The project aims to conduct psychological profiling on British citizens dissenting against policies such as mandatory vaccination and lockdowns, then leverage the data to establish a YouTube channel that portrays these critics as dangerous superspreaders of disinformation., Designed to curb the influence of pseudoscience material online, with specific emphasis on Coronavirus-related anti-vaxxing sentiment, the operation is run by the UKs Royal Institution, and dubbed Challenging Pseudoscience.. How is philosophy daddy involved?

WebAbigail Thorn (born 24 April 1993) is a British YouTuber, actress, and playwright, best known for producing the YouTube channel Philosophy Tube.. By showing support for people who do harm Nat, Who runs a pretty big YouTube channel if you hadn't realised, is doing harm, Even without that. It saddens me that this mistake has been exploited by public figures to attack nonbinary people.

Webabigail thorn and natalie wynn relationship i am somebody poem by maya angelou land between the lakes murders [21], On 30 January 2021, Thorn came out as a trans woman ", In her own statement, Lindsay Ellis said"I do find [Angels] behavior troubling, and I dont agree with his statements on NB identities. He did voice work in the video too I think??? Brewis, who appears to not have known Angel would be in the video prior to its release, responded to the controversy stating"I'm hurt and upset at being forcibly associated with a shithead and don't really know what else to say.".

He is a graduate of Yale Universitys Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellows Program, named for the AIG founder who nearly became CIA director. Hamish is the son of Charlie Falconer, a longtime friend and former roommate of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

For example, Foreign Office contractor Zinc Network. It is hard to watch olly and Hbomb get shit for the actions of their friend. InCoStrat delivered strategic communications support to a variety of armed groups on-the-ground, including the notoriously brutal, Saudi-backed militia known as Jaysh al-Islam.

I have had no doubt they were being covertly supported by powerful entities with goals other than overthrowing capitalism.. Reaching the intended viewers was forecast to be a significant task in itself, however. I think that the point is that he as someone connected to Natalie Wynn should say something. What has he said that's "sex worker exclusive"? A leaked document indicates that he first crossed paths with Falconer while managing a countering violent extremism propaganda campaign for the UK government in Islamabad. There is only one logical answer - apologize for being friends with Natalie. thorn wikiage The video opens with a black screen disclosing the support provided by the company and claiming Thorn would donate her fee to the feminist campaign group, Sisters Uncut.

Her 2018 video "Why Does Britain Still Have a Queen?" Transmedicalists view attempts to help promote the well-being of nonbinary identities through acts like normalizing pronoun sharing or educating about transitioning without any medical treatment to be a belittlement of their own suffering. Other left youtubers and twitter personalities who are at least internet acquaintances of Natalie have criticized her for this, including Mia Mulder and Casey Explosion. So far, so yawn. The sacrosanctity of transness did not seem to apply when Thorn was being pushed to disavow her friend of many years, Natalie Wynn, aka ContraPoints. It may just be a coincidence the agencys spies typically, By contrast, Khans activities between December 2008, when he left his position as hostile environments reporter for the BBC, and October 2017, when he joined elite UK national security think tank Chatham House as an associate fellow the next entry on his. InCoStrat delivered strategic communications support to a variety of armed groups on-the-ground. It begs the question, why would one repeated fall upon the sword apologizing to a community that jumps at every possibility to apply the worst possible interpretation of any perceived transgression.". Sure he and Natalie are friends, but he had no control over who Natalie picks to be in her videos, so people attacking him over it are just being silly. However, the good he has done cannot erase how his transmedicalist views have also contributed to the harm faced by some of the less-understood members of the transgender community who do not wish to medically transition. Yet when challenged about his claim of doctoring, Khan did not respond. Thats why according to r/ContraPoints. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, includingKilling Gaza. the BBC to ask whether the organization was on the verge of collapse. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations.

She hosts PRIDEs own Nerd Outseries, as well as her own YouTube channel, which you can subscribe to here! Miraculously though, in October 2020, the Institution received hundreds of thousands of pounds from the UK governments 1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund to help face the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic and ensure it has a sustainable future., An accompanying press release noted the Royal Institution had over the course of the pandemic [developed] a successful programme of weekly science talks online broadcast via its well-established YouTube channel, which today boasts 1.11 million subscribers.

Similarly, a post on the companys official LinkedIn page refers to an analysis of tens of thousands of UK-based social media users posting/sharing anti-vax content online it conducted for Countering Pseudoscience, which would be used to inform ethnographic research designed to understand why people hold these views. In other words, a specific programming strand outlined in the documents. What the hell is wrong with people? The host of Sainis project, the Royal Institute, was founded in 1799 by British scientists of the day with the aim of introducing new technologies and teaching science to the general public. Landed gentry and royalty have always occupied the Institutions highest levels. In our increasingly polarized culture, it has also demonstrated the growing issue surrounding an inability for criticism to become constructive. A wide-ranging, long-running, cross-platform propaganda campaign involving multiple actors requires substantial resources. The whole thing is - a mess, to say the least.

Conceptually, sharing pronouns normalizes not assuming anyone's gender and prevents trans people from being misgendered, which studies have shown to cause significant psychological harm to a transgender person, especially one who may have recently come out. While top BreadTubers are best known for employing memes and theatrical ploys to counter right-wing narratives, they have also dedicated intense energy to attacking the anti-imperialist left as tankies engaged in a secret red-brown alliance with right-wing extremists.

A scathing internal Whitehall review of the Foreign Offices information warfare operations in the country concluded they were poorly planned, probably illegal, and cost lives.. Queen Elizabeth IIs cousin, Field Marshal Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, has served as, The files indicate that the Royal Institution enlisted the services of, , a communications firm [working] with clients in the UK and all over the world to counter disinformation and strengthen the bonds between people., Valent was founded by Amil Khan, a former Reuters and BBC reporter, left journalism to help good causes navigate the new information landscape., Valent indicated its intent to exploit Philosophy Tubes sizable platform to achieve a, [emphasis added] in the target audience., The firm felt the best topic to address this issue is probably along the lines of the thing about expertise [sic]. Fittingly, in August 2020 Thorn, Featuring comedian Adam Conover of the popular show, Adam Ruins Everything, the 45 minute-long defense of the scientific consensus on the HIV/AIDS debate is the. I've also seen some people talking about her and Abigail Thorn, a creator I do watch, and I'm very confused. It lines up with everything I have observed about her and the BreadTube trend overall., Maupin continued, BreadTubes socialism is not really socialism, it is mobilizing young liberals to keep dissident elements in line. the notoriously brutal, Saudi-backed militia known as Jaysh al-Islam. since the onset of the pandemic to concoct a link between extremist activities and anti-lockdown, vaccine hesitant views. In other news I had never heard about Buck Angel. By contrast, Khans activities between December 2008, when he left his position as hostile environments reporter for the BBC, and October 2017, when he joined elite UK national security think tank Chatham House as an associate fellow the next entry on his public CV can be pieced together with much greater certitude, but still only approximately. As with many things, the situation is beyond a simple binary qualification of good/bad. My guess is that the cameo with Buck Angle was planned way ahead, as well as the script, and just really didn't suit the situation with her twitter very well. Similarly, a post on the companys official LinkedIn page.

It is simply inconceivable that similar operations have not been enacted elsewhere in the world, or that this phenomenon is exclusive to the UK.

It does not surprise me at all to find out there is documented evidence that the British Royal Family and an intelligence contractor is bankrolling the work of Abigail Thorn, Maupin told The Grayzone. No detail is offered either on where Falconer has been posted, or what his role entailed at any point. Why are people who seem so unfamiliar with basic elements of socialist ideology suddenly elevated to the position of respected experts by the algorithms? InCoStrat was founded by ex-Foreign Office political officer Emma Winberg and UK military intelligence journeyman. By probing complex philosophical and political issues in a highly accessible, engaging manner and deploying elaborate, artisanal audio and visual effects, she has emerged as a social media celebrity.

Prominent and influential transmedicalist viewpoints are often taken up by bad-faith actors within right-wing spaces in order to justify hatred towards transgender communities.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRMLgQsKgnw. In July 2021, Soros teamed up with fellow billionaire Bill Gates to. Transmedicalism is a belief that one needs to experience the medical condition known as gender dysphoria in order to be considered truly transgender.

Though all of this is true, Abigail is now most well-known for coming out as trans.

Oliver Leaked documents have revealed a state-sponsored influence operation designed to undermine critics of the British governments coronavirus policies by astroturfing a prominent founder of the BreadTube clique of anti-fascist YouTube influencers. These bad-faith stories also attempted to delegitimize the identities of nonbinary transgender people. I don't remember who the shitty person was, but what it amounted to was that Peter had worked with shitty person and had also worked with Angie (and not even in the same video), so obviously everyone decided they should attack the fuck out of Angie over something she had no control over or involvement with. Also on the events panel were an immunologist named Zania Stamataki and Marianna Spring, the BBCs first specialist disinformation reporter. She has repeatedly perpetuated falsehoods about the size of anti-lockdown protests in 2020 and nature of their participants. Since when does US mainstream media highlight the work of Marxist revolutionaries? I think people are just desperate to hear some sort of reaction from anyone even tangentially related to this whole mess just for some piece of mind.

, which touched on the topic of disinformation and vaccines. I regret expressing my feelings in a glib way that did not convey the importance of those needs. For more content, follow their blog and check out their YouTube channel, TimeCapsule. Members.

an analysis of tens of thousands of UK-based social media users posting/sharing anti-vax content online it conducted for Countering Pseudoscience, which would be used to inform ethnographic research designed to understand why people hold these views. In other words, a specific programming strand outlined in the documents.

Responding to a tweet that stated"Im sick to death of transgenderism," Buck responded by saying, "I just want you all to know that I am a transsexual man who transitioned 23 years ago. Yes, the practice of sharing pronouns needs to become more normalized, but in todays increasing divisive politicization surrounding discussion of transgender peoples rights and mere existence, this is a decidedly uphill battle. That is a truth that perhaps best embodied by the very existence of nonbinary people in the first place. Abigail Thorn created Philosophy Tube in 2013 and it recently reached one million subscribers. Yet, transmedicalists often target them with mocking, questioning of their genitals, intentional misgendering, name-calling, and other harassment tactics. Webfamous las vegas male singers. to Attorney General Lord Goldsmith to change his view that invading Iraq. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Queen Elizabeth IIs cousin, Field Marshal Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, has served as president since 1976.

And Abigail Thorn is just one YouTuber, at a time when the British state is known to be maliciously recruiting digital personalities to further its interests across the globe.

Demanding that a loved one publicly disavow her, and to use tactics of harassment on those loved ones to try to force that response, is gross, abusive, and downright wrong. This whole thing reeks of that time pewdiepie shouted out a white supremacist.

The video opens with a black screen disclosing the support provided by the company and claiming Thorn would donate her fee to the feminist campaign group, Sisters Uncut. So thats what we're going to do today, we're gonna fight?

", While criticisms of Wynn's inclusion of Buck Angel do have tangible weight to them, the continued way they have been expressed has moved beyond what many would consider acceptable criticism. This is such a bad faith nonsense. And yet the largest breatubers seem to be ever silent on the matter. Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions. 1. Her work critiques transphobia, transmisogyny, misogyny and gender roles. The Challenging Pseudoscience operation designed for Thorn was launched in February 2021 by liberal science journalist, . Additionally, as part of their work, Thorn has previously discussed his struggles with abuse, mental health, depression, and suicidal thoughts while Ellis recently opened up at the 2019 XOXO Festival about her experiences dealing with online harassment, abuse, and isolation caused by bad faith, alt-right commentators. Man as much as I love Philosophy Tube's videos (the Astronaut vid really helped me through my depression), something about Abigail just set off alarm bells in my head. Upon learning of the twisting of the narrative for far-right purposes, Wynn returned to Twitter a week later with a statement, saying "My discomfort with gender-neutral language and explaining my pronouns does not outweigh the need of other trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people. Menu fairy tail : lost souls auto spin script. The New York Times, for example, published a lengthy 2019 profile of a young man named Caleb Cain who supposedly fell down the alt-right rabbit hole on YouTube. I think it's redicolous that Olly is getting slammed too, he didn't even do anything. abigail thorn and natalie wynn relationship An accompanying writeup notes it developed and implemented a data-led. Well half of the time the people doing the attacking are tankies who would probably rather go full Molotov-Ribbentrop with Sargon than ever work with "a lib".

While Buck Angel has not engaged in direct harassing behavior as a transmedicalist, he nevertheless has made his support for the harmful viewpoint known. This situation can often feel like a transgender person or persons are being singled out because they are trans, with everyone else recognizing their "otherness." Does anyone know what's going on? Many of us transsexuals are also appalled and upset at the hate and anger coming from transgender agenda.

But evidence of the secret projects existence was hiding in plain sight. is a lot harder to take in, since as of September 8, 2022, Queen Elizabeth herself has passed away. All 50 Sex Scenes on 'Orange Is the New Black' Ranked! WebThey even briefly discuss Natalies disavowal of the series at the end. Thorn is among the most prominent figures within the loosely knit collective of YouTube influencers known as BreadTube. In the video, which discussed Western cultures preoccupation with the aesthetic of being wealthy mixed with relatability over actually having wealth, Wynn poked fun at the entire Twitter situation, which again came across as belittling of the salient issues involved, even if the humor was aimed more directly at how Twitter over-escalates a controversy. At this point, almost all have responded, including transgender activist Kat Blaque, who points out that she herself appeared in a video with Buck Angel five years ago and stated that"everyones criticisms of Buck are valid. The covert relationship between BreadTubes Abigail Thorn, Valent Projects, and the Royal Institute appears to validate Maupins thesis. Known for his, ), and imprisoned journalist Julian Assange (, I want Assange to die in a CIA black site just because it would trigger all the worst people on Twitter. Along the way, he applied huge pressure to Attorney General Lord Goldsmith to change his view that invading Iraq would be illegal. Most of Wynns critics, such as YouTubers Jack Saint and Sarah Zedig, are often clear that they dont believe that Wynn has any outwardly anti-nonbinary viewpoints.

Counter-terror is not a stated Foreign Office purview, but just, three core areas of focus for the UK foreign intelligence service MI6. To plug a multimillion pound budget deficit in late 2015, the Royal Institutionauctioned off treasured first editions of works by Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton and other eminent scientists.

InCoStrat was founded by ex-Foreign Office political officer Emma Winberg and UK military intelligence journeyman Paul Tilley, a former director of Strategic Communications for the UK Ministry of Defence in the Middle East and North Africa. The channel WebNatalie Wynn (born October 21, 1988) is an American YouTuber, political commentator, and cultural critic.She is best known for her YouTube channel, ContraPoints, where she creates video essays exploring a wide range of topics such as politics, gender, ethics, race, and philosophy.

A lengthy profile video produced by the BBC refers to her as one of the most high-profile transgender figures in the UK.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN5Bl2NU3lo The comments here especially, this is what prompted me to ask. I hang out in LeftTube circles and recently I've been seeing a lot of people talking about there being controversy regarding ContraPoints. Sorry I haven't thought of anything decent in a reasonable timeframe. Buck Angel, a well-known figure in the transgender community, garnered mainstream attention as a transgender porn star. In May, Thorn published a characteristically ornate video. nonprofit leadership conference Press J to jump to the feed. In one, he falsely claimed that a co-author of this piece would publish their reporting in Russian state affiliated media.. Edit: Yes, I wrote this before Abigail came out as trans and yes, I know that this story just got a whole lot more complex in a very crunchy and cool way. The project was delivered by ARK, a shadowy intelligence contractor founded by the likely MI6 operative, Alistair Harris, which has raked in innumerable lucrative contracts from waging covert information warfare operations on behalf of the UK government. Buck Angel did voice work for the latest Contrapoints video, and he also outed Lana Wachowski and has some ties to TERFS. 2020, however, the Royal Institution struggled financially despite its royal patronage and elite trustees.

abigail thorn xtra Following Blairs May 1997 election victory, Falconer senior was elevated to the unelected House of Lords, and served in a series of high-ranking government posts throughout his pals tenure. The practice of sharing pronouns has become an increasing trend within trans-inclusive spaces in recent years. At some point after leaving ARK in August 2014, he joined InCoStrat, another contractor that conducted destabilizing psy-ops on the UK governments behalf throughout the Syrian crisis. It saddens us". of the politics of right-wing culture warrior Jordan Peterson has racked up almost two million views and was sponsored by Curiosity Stream, a US media streaming service. This is not a representation of us all. https://theconversation.com/history-tells-us-that-ideological-purity-spirals-rarely-end-well-140888. Olly is getting slammed too, he didn't even do anything. treasured first editions of works by Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton and other eminent scientists. Whenever I see leftists attack each others in such a vicious way, I can help but wonder if they'd rather have people on youtube be funneled toward Sargon of Akkad instead. The next month, Challenging Pseudoscience convened a similarly named panel discussion, Misinformation or Censorship..

Shauns arguments relied heavily on statements by official experts and US government bodies like the FDA and CDC. We constantly talk in binary terms such as "good or bad," "male or female," "right or wrong," "liberal or conservative." Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America's state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions. He also made numerous television appearances on shows such as Maury Povich or Howard Stern throughout the 2000s, educating the public about transgender issues, on top of his social activism for the transgender community.

Webabigail thorn and natalie wynn relationship.

Many of us transsexuals are also appalled and upset at the hate and anger coming from the transgender agenda. Webabigail thorn and natalie wynn relationship jane norton morgan nichols as boring as simile [21], On 30 January 2021, Thorn came out as a trans woman via a public statement, posted on social media and recorded as the video The New York Times, for example, published a. of a young man named Caleb Cain who supposedly fell down the alt-right rabbit hole on YouTube. Wynns critics do have legitimate arguments, eventually grew into a fervor that demanded only one response, a response that put unrealistic and harmful expectations on those involved. Someone going by the name @KitKlarenberg is about to publish an article in [insert Russian state-affiliated media] accusing me of being a terrorist propandist etc etc. This ideology completely erases, and is harmful towards, nonbinary identities, as well as binary-identified transgender people who may experience what is known as gender euphoria, or joy at having their gender affirmed. Menu fairy tail : lost souls auto spin script. We consistently refuse to see the nuances of a situation and accept that something may actually be complex and unable to be definitively pinned down. Wynn's colleagues made clear they did not defend her actions. Valent Projects staffer Hamish Falconer has disclosed that the exciting Challenging Pseudoscience campaign has also received generous support from the Open Society Foundations of CIA-adjacent billionaire George Soros.

The organization received a substantial cash injection in 2020 from the UK governments Culture Recovery Fund earmarked for video production.

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