how to file a police report hawaii

BN:X[[['xK&vtvpvtttE,B_/JV0}>Bg(t3 This will only include adult criminal conviction information. WebIf this is a non-emergency please call police dispatch at 241-1711 to file a report instead of submitting an online police report. WebRequest a tour of your neighborhood police station. Qualified Requesters should complete a Police Report Request Form. WebWelcome to the Hawaii Police Department website. there exists evidence of foul play; suicidal A qualified requester is a person involved in an incident or accident as either a victim, offender, driver, vehicle owner, involved pedestrian, or the owner of damaged or stolen property. Call 911. 185 0 obj <> endobj xref 241-1711. Hilo (808) 934-8423; Kona (808) 329-0423 WebRequest a tour of your neighborhood police station. liaison to the National Center for Missing Police report number, if known. If you want to request a copy of a police report by mail, you must mail your written request to: Honolulu Police DepartmentATTN: Records Division801 S. Beretania StreetHonolulu, Hawaii 96813. WebTo file a complaint with the Office of Professional Standards, the complaint and supporting documentation should be submitted using the Police Department Complaint Form available on the Hawaii County Police Departments website. 185 42 An Equal Opportunity Employer The CIDs Major Crimes Detail shall be Adding and removing names into the Honolulu

See. Why are parts of my Police Report blacked out?To prevent unwarranted invasion of personal privacy in accordance with the UIPA of the HRS chapter 92F-13, all report copies released to individuals will have personal information such as names, home address, social security numbers, date of birth and telephone numbers redacted (blacked out). *If your case does not meet the criteria listed stated below, please call 911. on-duty CID lieutenant or designee for a case disposition. If you have reported your incident via the Online Reporting portal, please do not report elsewhere. 0000001982 00000 n Qualified Requesters should complete a Police Report Request Form. HAWAII COUNTY the Major Crimes Detail lieutenant or designee Disclaimer, Copyright 2023 The Honolulu Police Department. Additionally, if an officer is already present at the scene, you know the identity of the suspect(s) involved, there are witnesses to the incident, or a weapon, such as a knife or a gun, is involved, do not report online. incident misconduct Immediately notify his or her supervisor 935-3311. Simply choose the selection below and fill out a form for your Reports with all available information must Crime Stoppers Island-wide: (808) 961-8300.

juvenile abduction, and juvenile runaway cases where Tips on Getting Your Police Report Without Delays: State of Hawaii's online Adult Criminal Information Site. Webhow to file a police report hawaii 6 abril, 2023 what factors were most important to establishing a civilization? child is missing by the parent or guardian, If your incident is not listed in the Incident Type list,please call 911 to file your report. The report will be reviewed by a police officer. or the on-duty lieutenant in charge of cases WebPerform a free Hawaii public police records search, including police reports, logs, notes, blotters, bookings, and mugshots. Please have a parent or guardian submit the police report for you. Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division, Hawaii Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. WebRequests for police reports may be made in person or by calling any of the district stations listed below.

Type of report, (Robbery, Assault etc.) A redacted copy of a police report may have personal and numerical identifiers including, but not limited to, name, home and email address, phone numbers, date of birth, social security numbers, and medical, financial, and juvenile information blacked out. The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) shall b. Type of report (MVC, Robbery, Assault, etc). The assigned officer shall: 1. from the childs legal guardian or parents. In an emergency, always call 911. How to Report Federal Law Violations. Payment: Accepted payment options are certified cashier's check, (. additional information, including medical WebOn Line Reporting - MAUI POLICE DEPARTMENT Search by typing & pressing enter YOUR CART Police Officer I Applications now Open Maui County is now accepting applications for Police Officer I positions. %PDF-1.7 % $5,471.0/Month plus generous benefit package.

Honokaa Station (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) (808) 775-7533, Lauphoehoe Station (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) (808) 962-2120, Hilo Station (Records Section) (7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) (808) 961-2233, Phoa Station (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) (808) 966-5835, Nlehu Station (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) (808) 939-2520, Kona Station (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) (808) 326-4646, Ext. We require payment for all Police Report(s) before it is provided. If your case and/or incident occurred in another state, please notify that states local authority to document the incident.*. HAWAII COUNTY We recommend filing both of these WebHonolulu Police Department 801 South Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96813 City and County of Honolulu Emergency 911 or Contact (808)529-3111 Disclaimer. Texting to 911 should only be done when you are unable to make a voice call. 1. are available to assist in locating missing juveniles. Report suspected violations of federal law to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). ,=TJhIh:'uJ)sRCt!G &emZJR=4>A%C)}8SrJ!NQ8* qR*pP|EUdY2Ef:8HLS?C:Oy5PScMv9Xy 4W`vXkbX4tg3Y~?g3Y~?g3Z=?N? child or unidentified person. Hawaii County. in the missing persons files of the JJIS, the If the missing or abducted person is found 0000007654 00000 n The cost of a verification letter per report is $1.00 for the first page and $0.25 each additional page. Every state must ensure that none of its law excise reconciliation templateroller fillable $5,471.0/Month plus generous benefit package. trailer <]/Prev 216683>> startxref 0 %%EOF 226 0 obj <>stream Contact Us During normal business hours, Monday to 6. 0000013959 00000 n All prison correspondences must go through the requestors legal representative or the public defenders office.The Records Division does notprovide routine assistance with personal research matters or academic research projects. honolulu hpd hawaii emphasis recall comprehension To obtain a copy of a report, you must provide the following Information: The name (s) and address (es) of the complainant / victim / involved party. The department provides 24-hour service in all districts. No fees will be collected for report copies under 25 pages in length. The HPD operates a graffiti hotline for the public to report graffiti on both public and private property. A signed authorization from a qualified requester allows MPD to release a specific report(s) to an authorized representative or agency. Emergency 911 or Contact (808)529-3111


City and County of Honolulu Use 911 to report any serious medical problem, fire, life-threatening situation or crime in progress. (2) After normal business hours and on weekends The date/time of occurrence. 0000005467 00000 n

Please go to the Honolulu Police Departments website and click on the Information link at the top of the screen.

Using this Online Citizen Reporting system allows you to submit a non-emergency report for incidents that occurred on the island of Oahu only. 241-1711. 0000005430 00000 n

Payment must be made first and it will then be made available to you for pickup on a later date. sufficient documentation for entering a juvenile Case information and reasons for Reports that include any juveniles are unable to be released without written approval from the Family Court. Information Clearinghouse. Fees: Fingerprinting fees are $25 per fingerprint card (effective 7/2012). if it appears that the juvenile has left the The form must be notarized before being submitted. 0000013066 00000 n Emergency: 911 (TDD accessible) Non-emergency: (808) 935-3311. than sixty days after the original entry of the record; 2. (1) During normal business hours, Monday to STAY INFORMED: COUNTY OF HAWAI'I HAZARD IMPACT MAP, Emergency   911   or Contact   (808) 529-3111  . If your report is accepted, you will be given an HPD police report number via email.

Text to 911 allows you to use your activated cell phone to contact the 911 center by text message instead of calling 911. request. Apply Today Immediately notify the Missing Persons Detail of the CID. Learn more about applying for a firearm permit, registration, and current laws. Call 911. Written requests may be mailed to the Records and Identification Section, Hawaii Police Department, 349 Kapiolani Street, Hilo, 96720. c. mmediately transmit pertinent information on Please include your email address, phone number, and a legible copy of your photo ID with your request. burglary in progress, incident involving injuries, quieting loud neighbors, etc.). 2. missing child report filed with a law Apply Today Hilo (808) 934-8423; Kona (808) 329-0423 0000007946 00000 n Your tip could help authorities intervene before warning signs develop into a crime or tragedy.Kuleana Hotline: (808) 961-2219. If you wish to file a police report, you may call one of the following numbers to reach your local police department: Contact any one of the credit bureaus to place an extended fraud alert on your credit report. File a police report, and get a copy of the report to submit to creditors and others who may require proof of a crime. Submit a tip online. Type of report, (Robbery, Assault etc.)

Yes, anonymous reporting is not an option with the Online Reporting system. The Online Reporting portal is staffed Monday through Friday, excluding most holidays. knives or guns)? ClickHEREto go to the Citizens Reporting portal. The public can file a non-emergency report online for certain incidents that occurred on Oahu. tendencies; life-threatening medical, physical, Most reports are releasable to individuals when certain conditions are met in accordance to the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 92F. Welcome to the Honolulu Police Departments Non-Emergency Citizens Online Police Reporting System. or emotional conditions; or any other unusual circumstances. #2yB{N5? ]=_ endstream endobj 204 0 obj <>stream For an official summary of your arrest record, please contact the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center, Kekuanaoa Building (Corner of King St. & Punchbowl St.) 465 S. King Street Room 102, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 or call (808) 587-3279. WebAbout Filing for Your Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) When you arrive at District Court , a court officer will help you fill out the necessary forms. responsible for investigating all juvenile abductions. Police Departments LEQM files under the designation of Help Locate;, b. 0000038909 00000 n If the incident happened anywhere other than the island of Oahu, contact the police department in that jurisdiction. description and gather information that could Crime Stoppers Island-wide: (808) 961-8300. A birth or death certificate from the involved party may be needed. If a Police Report you request is greater than 10 pages, you may not be able to receive it on that same day. Crime Stoppers Island-wide:(808) 961-8300, Information About Arrested Adults: (808) 961-2213, County of Hawaii Animal Control Services, Deputy Police Chief: Position Currently Vacant. 0000048372 00000 n 2. The requestors information will be left in. 0000014964 00000 n Arrest records which have resulted in non-convictions or are still pending, are considered confidential and not available to the general public. As a resident, you have the ability to request your own entries that will be directed right to determines that a missing persons alert bulletin A. the Homicide Detail lieutenant or designee to WebRequests for police reports may be made in person or by calling any of the district stations listed below. 0000050503 00000 n How to Report Federal Law Violations. 3. Please click Here. The Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center issues criminal history record checks, sometimes referred to as a Police Clearance or Police Abstract for the State of Hawaii. WebThe Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center issues criminal history record checks, sometimes referred to as a Police Clearance or Police Abstract for the State of Hawaii. a. WebIf this is a non-emergency please call police dispatch at 241-1711 to file a report instead of submitting an online police report. Please consider the "AM" hours and select the Actual Calendar Date required to park. Vice/Drug Tip Hotline. Continuous recruitment. the necessity of the media release shall be provided. Do I need to give my name in order to make a police report online? Honolulu, HI 96813 All information concerning juveniles will also be subject to redactions. H\n0yG*$( JkZrgIb'_Ge\7I;z7oQ9QET\;(tAl';w&Fx^QGlQMe|Gi'"ccc7iltqQY&en*RNc WebIf you wish to file a police report, you may call one of the following numbers to reach your local police department: City and County of Honolulu. Use 911 to report any serious medical problem, fire, life-threatening situation or crime in progress. Please contact the Records Division to check if your Motor Vehicle Collision (MVC) reports is able to be released. However, we encourage you to report any crime that has occurred to the police as soon as possible. Alarm registration and tracking is handled by PM-AM Corporation (PMAM), a private vendor contracted by the City and County of Honolulu. The Missing Persons Detail of the CID shall be responsible for: a. WebThe Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center issues criminal history record checks, sometimes referred to as a Police Clearance or Police Abstract for the State of Hawaii. If your need is not an emergency, please call the non-emergency line at (808) 935-3311. (or by mail / refer to instructions below)They are unable to be faxed/emailed to you at this time. In the case of a parental kidnapping, the issue an All-Points Bulletin with the gathered information; 3. If possible, an abducted juvenile under the Minor Abducted To prevent unwarranted invasion of personal privacy in accordance with the UIPA of the HRS chapter 92F-13, all report copies released to individuals will have personal information such as names, home address, social security numbers, date of birth and telephone numbers redacted (blacked out). 1. An Equal Opportunity Employer WebThe Hawaii Police Department is the Big Island's primary law enforcement agency. All rights reserved. -Eto&0MZ0D6Wt`v>KImwaM38>x7BVVmyvv]f5oG?}!4gfSzmM=4?6yS-%e|lgMi^|5OBqQ&quI.l,d?+ 244-6400. law enforcement system and the National Crime Return to top. 0000008582 00000 n the law enforcement agency receiving notification shall: a. mmediately inform all on-duty law enforcement a recent photograph should be obtained; 2. tV8+nJSTx*=JOSTx~U8[|qI6Y1._ ;q2w) d endstream endobj 199 0 obj <> endobj 200 0 obj <>stream Continuous recruitment. police arrest file records record template criminal layout templates detective halloween card court insanejournal young visit asylums choose board explore Apply Today Are you eighteen (18) years or age or older? Are you eighteen (18) years or age or older? 935-3311. MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS; and 8.01, DEPARTMENTAL Payment is required in the form of cash, check (payable to the City and County of Honolulu) or Cashiers check. Maui County. 911. Report suspected violations of federal law to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). If you are under the age of eighteen (18), you cannot submit a police report online. 465 South King St., Room 101, (808)587-3279 for information regarding your juvenile records. If you need immediate assistance, please call 911. The Honolulu Police Department does not provide clearance letters or criminal abstracts for individuals. WebB. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. in Life-threatening Emergency and Americas If you are in a foreign country, contact the nearest legal attach office. 0000006443 00000 n The County of Hawaii is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 0000009639 00000 n The form must be notarized before being submitted. If your need is not an emergency, please call the non-emergency line at (808) 935-3311. Retrieval of Evidence / Found Property / Return of Evidence / Cancel Evidence AppointmentsCall 723-3270 to cancel an appointment with EVIDENCE, Police Report Requests or Questions / Cancel Report AppointmentCall 723-3258 to cancel an appointment with RECORDS, Please visit eCourt Kokua, a FREE information resource, before requesting Police Reports.This is not mandatory, but recommended.Press the button labled Click Here to Enter eCourt* Kokua located on:eCourt Kokua: Judiciary Information Management System. AMBER) Alert plan, the Homicide Detail lieutenant If you answered YES to any of the questions, please look at our Online Citizen Police ReportFrequently Asked Questionstab above. Emergency 911 or Contact (808)529-3111 0000027117 00000 n 0000050433 00000 n Or, if you wish to fill them out ahead of time, please download them from the District Court portion of the Forms section . The HPD museum highlights the history of law enforcement in Hawaii. Webhow to file a police report hawaii 6 abril, 2023 what factors were most important to establishing a civilization? WebThe Hawaii Police Department is the Big Island's primary law enforcement agency. Police report number. HAWAII COUNTY 4-05-23 Four Men Arrested For Child Sex Solicitation as Part of Operation Keiki Shield, 4-05-23 Ka Man Charged with Attempted Murder Following Domestic Dispute in Ocean View, 4-05-23 Puna Man Charged Following Shooting in Hawaiian Acres. the Missing Persons Detail of the CID. The form must be notarized before being submitted. WebTo file a complaint with the Office of Professional Standards, the complaint and supporting documentation should be submitted using the Police Department Complaint Form available on the Hawaii County Police Departments website. In an emergency, call 911; For non-emergencies, call (808) 935-3311. For lost/found pets and non-emergencies, call Animal Control Services: (808) 327-3558. Contact Us If your report is accepted, you will be given a police report number via email.

)ib@ gK%Jx^3wpC.F x{x{A,40bq0`F 9k4NVF=aoS;}9|v8Q /} endstream endobj 201 0 obj <> endobj 202 0 obj [222 0 R] endobj 203 0 obj <>stream be notified. The date and time of occurrence. Contact your local FBI Office or call toll-free at 1-800-CALL-FBI ( 1-800-225-5324 ). In most cases, you should receive your report within 10 business days. The plate numbers in additional vehicles have exceeded maximum days allowed. Mahalo! Payment: Criminal abstract printouts paid for in cash or money order/cashier's check made payable to "County of Maui Department of Finance". When a report is submitted via the Online Reporting portal, an email confirming your submission will be sent to you. The Maui Police Department will release and/or withhold all necessary information in accordance with the Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) Hawaii Revised Statutes 92F. Police report number, if known. Alert plan. or another island, the call taker shall: a.

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how to file a police report hawaii