haitian plants medicine

m touse (TB). Among the Haitians interviewed, 21 migrated to Cuba between 19131926, ten are the offspring of Haitian couples who entered Cuba during the same period, and three more left Haiti between 19461954. Sister Francis is a religious woman whose backyard is filled with the healing bushes she grew up using in Jamaica. 1957, La Habana: Contribuciones Ocasionales del Museo de Historia Natural Colegio La Salle 10, P. Fernndez and Ca, Alain H: Flora de Cuba. 2005, Managua & Santo Domingo: TRAMIL, 2. Most Haitians were illiterate, crowded into barracks (barracones), paid a miserable salary, and compelled to hand over their savings to reimburse the cost of their passage [7, 9]. When Rowe told Sister Francis she'd been breaking out in small rashes, Sister Francis said to come by for some cerasee leaves to use in a bush bath.

Inventory of medicinal plants used by Haitian immigrants and their descendants in the Province of Camagey, Cuba. Jordan, Wilbert C. "Voodoo Medicine", in Textbook of Black Related Diseases.

The .gov means its official. Caribbean Women's Health and Transnational Ethnobotany. WebHaitian words and meanings. Because of the importation of workers for plantation slavery, a vast body of knowledge departed Africa for the New World. Once they found themselves in Cuba, the main strategies that Haitian migrants used to maintain their ethnomedicinal practices depended principally on the floristic similarity between Haiti and Cuba (i.e. Dried cerassee for sale at Grace Seafood in Miami Gardens. WebHaitians believe that giving catnip tea to infants will clarify impurities in their blood. A tummy ache? By listening to them, going along into the woods when they gathered and doing reading on my own, I too began to gather and use medicinal herbs. Hernndez J: Uso popular de plantas con fines medicinales. Uses of medicinal plants by Haitian immigrants and their descendants in the Province of Camagey, Cuba. death due to TB (tuberculosis). A fresh pot of cerasee or asosi tea, a traditional plant used across the Caribbean for all ailments. 1984, La Habana: Editora Ciencias Sociales. We aim to make significant improvements in the health of the Haitian population while keeping our company strong. Results: The Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacy of Migrations.

The last group of herbs I would like to comment on are three that could be called "female herbs". But even cerasee devotees say some of the claims might just be old wives tales. While most women in America go to licensed medical doctors to find relief for gynecological problems, the vast majority of Haitian women cannot avail themselves of expert medical care. Echinacea can be taken numerous times a day, as recommended by an herbalist. An ethnobotanical investigation was conducted to collect information on medicinal plant use by Haitian immigrants and their descendants in the Province of Camagey, Cuba. Vervain contains over 20 beneficial plant compounds, including iridoid glycosides, flavonoids, and triterpenoids, which may be responsible for its purported benefits . Cross-cultural adaptation in urban ethnobotany: the Colombian folk pharmacopoeia in London. 1990, Tucson: The University of Arizona Press. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited.

More emphasis is given, though to its calming and sedative effects than its purifying. Revista Cubana de Alimentacin y Nutricin. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Haitian immigrants and their descendants mainly decoct or infuse aerial parts and ingest them, but medicinal baths are also relevant.

10.1016/S0378-8741(98)00031-2. "You know the herb is the healing of the nation," she said. Cultural aspects related to traditional plant posology are addressed, as well as changes and adaptation of Haitian medicinal knowledge with emigration and integration over time. 1999, 13: 145-150. 2000, La Habana, Cuba: Centro de Antropologa-CEISIC-Centro Juan Marinello, Espronceda ME: Parentesco, inmigracin y comunidad. Galvin M, Michel G, Manguira E, Pierre E, Lesorogol C, Trani JF, Lester R, Iannotti L. Cult Med Psychiatry. Revista Cubana de Alimentacin y Nutricin. Volpato G, Godnez D. Ethnobotany of Pru, a traditional Cuban refreshment. Dayana St. Fort was born in Haiti. Conversely, and to a lesser extent, Haitians contributed to what is today considered as traditional Cuban medicine by introducing into the dominant Cuban community certain specific ethnobotanical practices and uses of plants, as described also in Volpato et al. Transformation of traditional knowledge of medicinal plants: the case of Tyroleans (Austria) who migrated to Australia, Brazil and Peru. They relied heavily on homegardens, wild plants, and on traditional ethnobotanical knowledge and practices in order to survive. In its basic preparation, the inner mass is cooked, triturated, and then stirred, sometimes being left one night outside of the house before stirring. Laguerre, Michel S. Afro-Caribbean Folk Medicine, S. Hadley, Mass: Bergin & Garvey, 1987. 1985, 497-509. Methods:

Richard Allen

haitian edible Herbs for Orphans, a US nonprofit, has been supplying Haitian orphanages with herbs and nutritional dietary supplements for the last 2 years. The species belong to 112 genera and 63 families, with a prevalence of Annona and Citrus (three species each) among the genera, and among the families of Fabaceae (9.8%), Asteraceae (6.5%), Euphorbiaceae and Verbenaceae (4.9%), Lamiaceae and Rutaceae (3.3%). Haitian empirical medicine sprang from both European (16th to 19th century) and African (especially voodoo) traditional therapies. Cerasse vine intertwined with other plants growing in Cacheta Francis' North Miami Beach backyard. An ethnobotanical investigation was conducted to collect information on medicinal plant use by Haitian immigrants and their descendants in the Province of Camagey, Cuba. The continuous ingestion of low doses of the allelochemicals in these species may be an effective means to prevent massive parasite infestations, especially in children [43].

Peppers: piman. Volpato G, Godnez D: Medicinal foods in Cuba: Promoting health in the household. An infusion (tea) of senna is given to expel worms, reduce biliousness (belching and indigestion), and as an all-purpose laxative (Kloss, 312; Santillo, 175). Down through the ages women have had to deal with menstrual cramps, excessive bleeding, water retention and unwanted pregnancy, just to name a few. Edited by: Hammer K, Esquivel M, Knpffer H. 1992, Gatersleben, Germany: Institut fr Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, 1: 110-137.

WebHaitian Medicinal Plants One home remedy that can be made from the plants and natural herbs in your herb garden is a frustration pain reliever called Echinacea. These basic alternative recipes use just garden-fresh natural herbs and various other natural active ingredients to stock up your natural medication storage room.

They observe nuances in the condition of their blood that are almost unheard of in white Anglo folk pharmacopoeia. [15] who interviewed 29 Cuban informants across the Province of Camagey and reported 111 species used for medicinal purposes. Economic Botany. Webcry-baby, whiner. WebOlives: oliv. "y tienen faxones y fabas muy diversos de los nuestros" Origin, Evolution and Diversity of Cuban Plant Genetic Resources. Haitian immigrants and their descendants mainly decoct or infuse aerial parts and ingest them, but medicinal baths are also relevant. Ososki AL, Balick MJ, Daly DC: Medicinal plants and cultural variation across Dominican Rural, Urban, and Transnational Landscapes. (Laguerre, 68) In the Ozarks catnip tea administered to babies quiets colic and can even be used to stop convulsions. In this context, traditional ethnobotanical practices are sometimes reconstituted as part of Haitian culture [14]. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. [2125]. deflower (v). She is picking cerasee to use in a bush bath for a rash.


Among those plants with shared uses are species that are widely used in Cuban pharmacopoeia such as Bidens pilosa, Boldoa purpuracens, Phyla scaberrima, Pluchea carolinensis, and Rheedia aristata, whose medicinal uses may have partly been adopted by migrants, as well as medicinal plants that are common to the Caribbean pharmacopoeia whose use Haitians and Cubans shared prior to migration: examples include the use of Cecropia schrebiana as an anticatarrhal; of Carica papaya, Chenopodium ambrosioides and Psidium guajava to treat intestinal parasites; of Lepidium virginicum as a carminative and diuretic; and of Zingiber officinale to treat colds, catarrh, and rheumatic pains. Often, a decoction of leaves and aerial parts is prepared, sometimes in combinations of different species, and left to cool, or otherwise these vegetal parts are smashed and directly added to the bath water. Haitian's knowledge about plants seems to comprehend and deal with toxic allelochemicals through specific posological practices. 1979, La Habana, Cuba: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Guanche J, Garcia AJ: Ethnic history.

These basic alternative recipes use just garden-fresh natural herbs and various other natural active ingredients to stock up your natural medication storage room. Throw in the extra cultural factor of what the Amer-Indians knew and imparted, and what emerges is a wide body of knowledge that serves a very useful, if not vital function.

Uses of medicinal plants by Haitian immigrants and their descendants in the Province of Camagey, Cuba. 1. Although in the recent past there has been an increase in ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal investigations in Cuba [1519], these have generally not paid attention to the specific ethnic knowledge that immigrants have contributed to traditional Cuban medicine. Neuwinger HD: Afrikanische Arzneipflanzen und Jagdgifte.

Along with the knowledge some of the slaves were able to bring a few plants. J Ethnobiol Ethnomed. She learned from her mother, who learned from her mother, who learned from her mother and so on. 2022 Jun 26:1-22. doi: 10.1007/s11013-022-09791-4. She is a believer of remed fey, or bush medicine. Also, in the anthelmintic use of Chenopodium ambrosioides, we can distinguish a posology for acute episodes (three buds every day before breakfast for three or seven days), and a posology for chronic infection (e.g. Its worse than cod liver oil.. The site is secure. "The Bible say so. These mixtures can be more or less complex, ranging from a concoction of two plants to complex preparations with different species. Boil and simmer until the water turns a murky greenish brown. To locate the respondents, we first focused on the areas in the province where historical and oral records indicate the presence of Haitian communities (e.g. What I found was that even though Haiti has many native tropical plants that are used medicinally, quite a few of the same medicinal plants grow there that do in the Ozarks. Eating and Healing: Traditional Food as Medicine. [14]. I think the reason I was unable to find any mention of them in Haiti was because of the complete dissimilarity in climate. chire pkal (pekal), chire lotri, chire vwal, dechalbore, devwale, kreve (vulg. 2012 Nov 16;8:44. doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-8-44.

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine The Haitian herbalist and her Ozark counterpart share a similarity: they both gather and use herbs because of necessity. Cerasee or asosi is typically prepared as a tea: Wash the vine; throw it into a pot of water --leaves, stems and all. Five formulas have been reported as miel de gira (siw kalbaz in Creole), whose main ingredient is the fruit of Crescentia cujete. Immunity. The Caribbean Dictionary Pineapple - a tropical plant with edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries, named for resemblance to the pine cone. The incorporation of local remedies into their own pharmacopoeia occurred as a consequence of factors such as cultural contacts and exchanges between Haitians and Cubans and of personal experimentation or imitation of local practices by migrants. For example, three shoots of Mangifera indica are boiled and the remedy is drunk in three different cups to treat empacho, a digestive problem; three leaves of Cissampelos pareira are split into half and three halves are boiled in the case of fever; an infusion made from three whorls or tops of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis is prepared and given to children in the morning on an empty stomach as an anthelmintic; the decoction of three leaves of Momordica charantia must be drunk for three days, and the seeds of the same plant are ingested one on the first day, two on the second, and three on the third, and so on for seven days. 2006 Oct 4;2:41. doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-2-41. Remedies shared between Haitian immigrants and their descendants and the Cuban population are mainly the result of the presence of shared ethnobotanical knowledge before migration took place, but as well reflect adoption by Haitian immigrants of plants and/or uses from the dominant Cuban pharmacopoeia and, to a lesser extent, vice versa. The use of medicinal herbs is highly developed. Rowe and Francis are both Jamaican. Ethnomedicinal plants used by the people of Manang district, central Nepal. with Momordica charantia, Hamelia patens), as well as to treat skin infections such as carbuncles, to alleviate itching, and to fortify children who have 'fragile health'. Tomatoes: tomat. (PDF 182 KB). Bookshelf The use of medicinal herbs is highly developed. ), pdi, pete fil, pran vijinite (yon fi). Bidens pilosa, Cymbopogon citratus, Majorana hortensis, Ocimum spp.). The tea is bitter. The rural Missourian who uses herbs does so out of an unwillingness to give up a part of her heritage. Almost half of the plants reported in this study are not reported in Beyra et al. The plant pops up all over South Florida, especially when it rains.

Potatoes: pomdete*. 1964, La Habana: Asociacin de Estudiantes de Ciencias Biolgicas, Alain H: Flora de Cuba. Revealing Latinos' plant-healing knowledge and practices in New York City. And thats it. Given this, as well as the poor availability of ethnobotanical data relating to traditional Haitian medicine, there is an urgent need to record this knowledge. Insomnia. Traditional and ritual plant posology should be investigated in more depth in ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological studies in order to understand their relation with medicinal plant efficacy and toxicity. In reference to therapeutic use, almost half of the remedies are intended to treat gastro-intestinal afflictions (stomach pains, and as digestive and carminative; about 20%) and afflictions of the respiratory system (catarrh, asthma, colds, cough; about 18%). CAS Mixtures (components, parts used, preparation and means of use) are given in Table 1, whereas the presence of species in mixtures is reported in Additional file 1. May possess antitumor effects

Haitian empirical medicine sprang from both European (16th to 19th century) and African (especially voodoo) traditional therapies. Cuts (antiseptic) Depression. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Traditional medicine in South Asia and West Africa. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Fieldwork was carried out from December 2002March 2003 and from FebruaryJuly 2004. Google Scholar. (Colon, 154).. Nowadays Haitians are mostly integrated into mainstream Cuban society, although many of them maintain a small-scale farming and livestock production as a base for their livelihoods. Some plant uses have a common origin in the ethnobotanical practices of Caribbean people of African cultural heritage, the so-called Afro-Caribbean pharmacopoeia: examples include the use of the aerial parts of Lippia alba and Cymbopogon citratus, as well as the use of roots and ligneous parts of Allophylus cominia, Caesalpinia bahamensis, Erythroxylum havanense, and Chiococca alba. Kloss describes it as "good in all female troubles, will increase menstrual flow much better than quinine for the purposes for which quinine is used" (323). 2004, 90: 293-316. WebSome US-based natural medicine organizations began conducting relief efforts in Haiti in early 2010, using herbal treatments learned in their own training, as well as Haitian-inspired herbal remedies. Gabriele Volpato. More than 900 plant remedies were identified in Trinidad and Tobago bush medicine, but common plants include zebapique, noni, neem, fever grass, monkey apple, barbadine, and wonder-of-the-world. Peppers: piman. William Seabrook's work The Magic Island also cites the usage of verbena in women who are in labor (Seabrook 327). Macia M, Garcia E, Vidaurre PJ: An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants commercialized in the markets of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia. 1998, 32: 57-62. Beans: pwa. 1988, Universidad de La Habana, Tesis de grado de Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias Biolgicas. Besides Haitians, other ethnic groups in the Province include Jamaicans and Chinese. -. Insomnia. CD ROM Atlas Etnogrficos de Cuba.

She said, Once you see this crazy woman on the side of the street picking up bush, you can say, Oh, shes from the island. 2007, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 64-85. More emphasis is given, though to its calming and sedative effects than its purifying. Part of Besides the instinctual, the blood is watched by looking into the eyes, checking the fingernails, behind one's ears and through skin eruptions and bleeding. [http://www.aaanet.org/committees/ethics/ethcode.htm], Len H: Flora de Cuba. Its not even like cod liver oil. We highlight the stories of Black Floridians seeking emotional healing and wellness. Pumpkin: joumou. only with the new moon [42]), where the remedy is ingested periodically throughout the year. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Cerasee or Asosi, the cure-all plant Remed Fey, or bush medicine, is a Creole term used to refer to all those kinds of natural remedies that can help us to stay fit and healthy from one day to the next. 2005, 97: 337-350. Some 22 herbal mixtures are reported, including formulas for a preparation obtained using the fruit of Crescentia cujete.

Guanche J, Moreno D: Caidije. This figure is based on a comparison with data from another province that also absorbed much Haitian migration to Cuba, the Province of Guantanamo [13]. Haitian immigrants and their descendants mainly decoct or infuse aerial parts and ingest them, but medicinal baths are also relevant. [12], Nevet and de la Rosa [9], and Pedro [10]. Viladrich A: Between bellyaches and lucky charms. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features!

Echinacea can be taken numerous times a day, as recommended by an herbalist.

During the decades after emigration, the original Haitian ethnomedicinal knowledge progressively changed and adapted to the new environment, maintaining cultivation and use of important medicinal plants, incorporating plants and uses from the host Cuban culture, and diffusing specific plant uses to Cubans in contact with Haitian communities. Before Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Id SCSB-8978415 Research Tools Data and Statistics Databases E-journals Research Guides Catalog Special Collections Library Services Article Express Borrow Direct Circulation Course Reserves Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Library Access Study Spaces and Lockers Potatoes: pomdete*. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Construction jobs are plentiful, but workers are scarce, Elected Officials Mostly Silent On Stateless Dominicans Of Haitian Ancestry, Miami's King Sporty, "Buffalo Soldier" Songwriter, Dies at 71, Adrienne Kennedy akennedy@wlrn.org (305)-995-2256, FRIENDS OF WLRN, INC. AS MEDIA MANAGER OF WLRN PUBLIC MEDIA. Potatoes: pomdete*.

To some, the wild green plant with five point leaves may be just an annoying weed, but to many in South Floridas Caribbean community Jamaicans, Bahamians,Trinidadians, Haitians -- its the "it" plant for just about every ailment. Still, cerasee is in demand, especially for Caribbean transplants now living here in South Florida. Momordica charantia, Solanum americanum and Stachytarpheta jamaicensis are among those species most cited by Haitians in this study. 1999;13:145150. Edited by: Pieroni A, Vandebroek I.

and Bidens pilosa are added to treat congestions of the respiratory system, whereas 'hot' plants (e.g. Children's baths prepared with anthelmintic plants (e.g. In the Ozarks sarsaparilla tea is also widely used for its purifying properties.. Another blood purifier that is a very common remedy both in Ozarkia and Haiti, is catnip or catmint.

m touse (TB). Today we have black-eyed peas, sesame seeds and peanuts in the Americas because slaves brought them along on the middle passage. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. timoun rechiya (rechiyan, rechiy).

It became quite a popular cure in the rural Southern states and its efficacy was even employed by the white slave owners and their families who needed a thorough worming. 10.1016/j.jep.2008.01.016. But evenceraseedevotees say some of the claims might just be old wives tales. Oriental medicine; it has cool and moist energy so it nourishes, calms, and uplifts. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 34 Haitians (21 women and 13 men) whose ages ranged from 45 to 102 years (mean age 68), in the following communities: Central Brasil, Jiqu, Aguacate, Esmeralda, Antn, Batey Varela (Antn), San Serapio, Caidije, La Jagua, Macuto 2, Camagey (neighbourhoods of Puerto Prncipe, Bellavista, Florat, and La Guernica). Arthritis. (Laguerre, 68) In the Ozarks catnip tea administered to babies quiets colic and can even be used to stop convulsions. Shes picking up bush to make some kind of remedy. . deflower (v). A Haitian carnival takes place every year in Santiago de Cuba, and a Creole radio program is broadcasted nationally [13]. Economic Botany. The plants cited were photographed, collected with the informants during the interviews, and identified by authors (D.G., A.B., A.B.) Goat feces are dried, powdered, mixed with olive oil and applied topically for burns, while packages made of urine and cotton are applied to the back of the heads of children with fever.

2001, Guantnamo, Cuba: Editorial el mar y la montaa, Nevet M, De la Rosa AS: Kote ou bouke m pote. Jordan confirms these abortifacient qualities in his work, Voodoo Medicine. 1991, 22: 55-76. She lives in Pembroke Pines and she also grew up drinking asosi tea. Medical ethnobotany of the Teribes of Bocas del Toro, Panama. Ethnomedicinal knowledge of Haitian immigrants in Cuba presents no exception [14].

(Kloss, 215) In Jordan's research on Voodoo medicine, he places more emphasis, however, on the calming properties of catnip, rather than purgative. WebPlantes mdicinales d'Hati : description, usages et proprits / Marilise Neptune Rouzier. Haitians were concentrated in the sugarcane and coffee areas of the former provinces of Oriente and Camagey (Figure 1). Among these, there are plants that are important medicinals for Haitians, such as Artemisia absinthium, Phyllanthus procerus, and Priva lappulacea, as well as culturally relevant Haitian food plants that are also used in the realm of traditional medicine, such as Abelmoschus esculentus, Cajanus cajan, Corchorus siliquosus, and Xanthosoma sagittifolium, and some species used for ritual and religious baths such as Allophylus cominia, Alpinia speciosa, and Vitex trifolia.

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With edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries, named for resemblance the! Guanche J, Garcia AJ: ethnic history medicine ; it has cool and moist energy so it,! Relied heavily on homegardens, wild plants, and Transnational Landscapes picking up haitian plants medicine to make some kind of.. Across the Caribbean Dictionary Pineapple - a tropical plant with edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced,... And practices in order to survive Miami Beach backyard > Cheminformatics Bioprospection of Broad Spectrum plant Metabolites!

Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

Edited by: Pieroni A, Price LL. timoun rechiya (rechiyan, rechiy). Additional file 1 lists the plant species cited by informants in alphabetical order according to their scientific name, along with their botanical families, vernacular Cuban and Haitian names (as reported by informants during the fieldwork), voucher specimen numbers, parts used, preparation of the remedies, medicinal use, and frequency of mention. A Review of the Phytochemistry, Ethnobotany, Toxicology, and Pharmacological Potentials of, Esquivel M, Hammer K. The Cuban homegarden 'conuco': a perspective environment for evolution and in situ conservation of plant genetic resources. Once in the field, we asked for the help of the local government officers responsible for health (doctors or nurses from the local hospital) to determine whether there were any elderly Haitians living in the locality and precisely where. Especially dominant are the soothing effects it is known to have on small infants. I have chosen eight that are used both in Haiti and the Ozarks to describe and comment on. Also, cricket's (genus Acheta and Neoconocaephalus) legs are boiled in water and the decoction is then drunk by children and older people who have urination problems. Haitian immigrants and their descendants mainly decoct or infuse aerial parts and ingest them, but medicinal baths are also relevant. remed fey, or bush medicine. Pieroni A, Mnz H, Akbulut M, Baser KHC, Durmuskahya C: Traditional phytotherapy and transcultural pharmacy among Turkish immigrants living in Cologne, Germany. Mints such as catnip are widely used both in Haiti and America.

government site. About 40% of the total population of the province lives in the city of Camagey; almost 200,000 people live in rural areas. Haitian empirical medicine sprang from both European (16th to 19th century) and African (especially voodoo) traditional therapies. timoun rechiya (rechiyan, rechiy). He deduced that the bark and wood of the simarouba excelsa plant were an excellent tonic and febrifuge (that which acts to expel intestinal worms from the system). Oriental medicine; it has cool and moist energy so it nourishes, calms, and uplifts.

haitian Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

Cheminformatics Bioprospection of Broad Spectrum Plant Secondary Metabolites Targeting the Spike Proteins of Omicron Variant and Wild-Type SARS-CoV-2. plant, fruit, food. Map of Cuba with the Province of Camagey. Primero Simposio de Botnica; La Habana. Otherwise, they live in hospices either in Camagey or in smaller cities and villages.

Why Surinamese migrants in the Netherlands continue to use medicinal herbs from their home country.

Article To some, the wild green plant with five point leaves may be just an annoying weed, but to many in South Floridas Caribbean community Jamaicans, Bahamians,Trinidadians, Haitians -- its the "it" plant for just about every ailment. Brandon G: The uses of plants in healing in an Afro-Cuban religion, Santeria. Since catnip is a very mild herb for humans, it is safe to give to babies in tea form. When a person thinks of sarsaparilla, what most often comes to mind is probably an old-fashioned sudsy drink not unlike root beer.

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haitian plants medicine